Labels:book | reckoner | sky OCR: for users of newer Macs pue works eminently well as a floppy based word processor on older Macs To create a "boot- -disk" with TexEdit on it you'll need to 5 a copy of the System Tools disk from system software 6.0.5 or higher. This software is obtainable from several places: 1) Your local user group or 2 Various online sources .The online source puy i most convenient is the Mac Operating System library uo America Online (Keyword: MOS.) Note: System software in this library available as "disk images You'll need to also obtain copy of the program, "DiskCopy, to convert :the disk image back into system software DiskCopy can also be downloaded from the MOS library on AOL After obtaining System Tools disk for System 6.0.5 or higher your next step is to strip the disk of all files except the sy ...